Well, Winter has finally come for good. We had snow early this year, but it all melted and at one point we were still riding our mountain bikes on Boneyard and Hay Meadow. However, the cold is now sticking around and we have been getting some pretty consistent snow over the last few weeks. No real huge snow storms yet, which is good for us fat bikers. We have been getting an inch to two here and there and that has made keeping the Hay Meadow trail packed down a lot easier. I know that at least one person has also been riding his fat bike on Boneyard and says that it is riding really nice. He did admit that a few of the switchbacks were slick, but otherwise good knobby tires will get you to the top.
I rode Hay Meadow last week and then the Eagle Ranch golf course this week and both are riding really nice. The golf course path has been packed down by the groomer and there are Nordic skiers out there, but they haven’t put down the Nordic track yet.
I have been seeing more and more fat bikers out and about. I am really hoping we can form some sort of weekly ride.
As for me, I just got the Surely Lou tire and I love it. It is a 4.8 inch tire with some really aggressive tread that makes riding the snow that much easier. They are expensive, but I would highly recommend them to anyone trying to ride snow packed trails or even the golf course path.